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Weeping Angel Statue [Dark]

Weeping Angel Statue [Dark]

Developed for the "Crimson Fields" Fantasy Faire 2013 sim, this ominous, dark version of our Weeping Angel Statue has been adapted for an impressive 20 Mt height, and a larger number of candles at the base; textured in dark, old cracked stone, the statue represents a weeping angel, hands up covering his/her face, with white wax candles burning in front of the statue, on the molded stone pedestal, shedding warm light upwards.

Perfect for all Dark Gothic, Victorian and Vampire settings.

Fully Copiable and Modifiable, the statue is included in 20 Mt and 6 Mt variants, with and without the candles, for a significant difference in prim weight [45 or 79].

Trident has been designing and creating medieval and ancient builds since 2007. The inspiration for our work comes from our passion for medieval reenactment and research of historic houses, ships, furniture, jewelry and clothing.

Trident builds are fully supported and continually updated to increase detail and reduce prim count making use of custom sculpts and texturing, and unique scripts and animations.

Laufey Markstein
April 2013

See item in Second Life
  • Three Different Versions Included