Welcome Board, Group Joiner, Visitor Counter, Greeter - Roboscan Xtreme X1

Roboscan Xtreme Welcome Board X1
Welcome Board, Group Joiner, Visitor Manager Landmark Giver
All-in-one Board.
Neat looking all-in-one gadget, that greets your visitors with your own custom message, an optional landmark, an invitation to join your group, and keeping track of all visitors!
- Group Joiner! Works at any land, even if you rent it, will send an invitation when visitor clicks on it or automatically upon arrival! No bots, not hassles!
- Greets visitor within the selectable range with your custom message!
- Visitor Counter, with a counter that never resets! (Unless you want to!) Keeps track of the all time visitors and all visitors since last list reset.(Since Open, Today).
- Visitor Counter can optionaly e-mail you a list everytime it reaches 90 visitors or at the end of the day (SL Midnight), whichever occurs first!
- Visitor Counter resets everyday at midnight! (Since Open counter, remains the same).
- Visitor list can be sent to any e-mail address!
- Access List - Up to 100 avatars... (Access Modes: Owner, List, Group)
- Can notify owner when visitor arrives at the location. (Owner mode only, can be disabled on menu).
- Gives you a list of every avatar that visited your place!
- Landmark Giver!
- Group Key finder built in.
- Sensor can be set to 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80 or 90 meters!
- Menu on touch!
- Can greet, give landmark (optional) and invite to your group (optional) upon visitor arrival!
- Digital displays!
- Shows your place's texture, picture!
- Color Menu built-in.
- Shows visitor's profile picture after permission, SL TOS compliant! (Will not show if they don't have a profile picture, or they don't have the profile on search, or SL is having database problems, either case the board will keep the last picture and name.)
- Instructions included.
Stores, business, clubs, classrooms, region or parcel tracking, events, etc.
Rez as many as you need.
Simple and easy to use, as it should be!
See it in world! Visit our showroom!
Copy, Modify.
All scripts are no mod.
Thank you for your business! I hope you will enjoy the gadget as much as I enjoyed creating it!
Any questions feel free to IM me. Have fun!
Andred Darwin.
LunaMare Designs.
- Visitor Manager
- Visitor Tracker
- Greeter
- Group Joiner
- Landmark Giver