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A quality sign, fully resize-able to meet your needs, or why not pop along to the gallery and pick up a free 1 prim, fully mesh sign board to display it on. I have included the texture with each sign to enable you to drag it onto the free sign board, so keeping it to just one prim. Any problems just im me.

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What a Disappointment?
full star empty star empty star empty star empty star Posted November 04, 2020 by Kikkles Capelo

I wish I had read the review BEFORE I made the purchase, because it's exactly the same thing with me. I ordered from the picture and got some wooden sign that doesn't at all go with our house.

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i am not happy at all
full star full star empty star empty star empty star Posted January 20, 2020 by LilDevil420

i ordered this an it is not what i got i got a wooden sign that i dont like an i would love for you to fix it ty

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