· · ──────【 F E A T U R E S 】────── · ·
❥ BoM female skins: athletic, chubby, & slim
❥ BoM male skins: athletic, chubby, & slim
❥ BoM unisex skins: chubby & slim
❥ BoM Dog Espen head & mouth
❥ BoM Dog Espen eyebrow tattoos
❥ BoM Dog Espen flesh colours: pink, brown, natural brown, & black
❥ Mesh tail
❥ Mesh ears: v1 & v2
❥ Texture for [FH] Fluffy Pupper Tail
❥ Texture for [FH] Fluffy Pupper Ears v2
❥ Texture for [M.O.R] kitsune set (tail only)
❥ Texture for :: wickedpup :: DAWG TAIL // BENTO TAIL
❥ Texture for SG Spaniel Ears
· · ──────【 R E Q U I R E D 】────── · ·
❥ SLUV/LLUV BOM body - Models are wearing Meshbody Legacy (F) and (M)
❥ [• AUGUST •] - Dog Espen - https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/AUGUST-Dog-Espen-bento-head/23448470
Pick one of these feet:
❥ Feety Peets - Furry Paws (Female) - https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Feety-Peets-Furry-Paws-Female/14288379
❥ Feety Peets - Furry Paws (Male) - https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Feety-Peets-Furry-Paws-Male/14862698
❥ Boldy Bops (Female) - Furry Paws - https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Boldy-Bops-Female-Furry-Paws/25474603
❥ Boldy Bops (Male) - Furry Paws - https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Boldy-Bops-Male-Furry-Paws/25477021
· · ──────【 O P T I O N A L 】────── · ·
❥ .{Whisk}. Labrador Retriever Tail (M size already included in this mod) - https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Whisk-Labrador-Retriever-Tail/26749615
❥ [FH] Fluffy Pupper Tail - https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/FH-Fluffy-Pupper-Tail/26643136
❥ [FH] Fluffy Pupper Ears v2 - https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/FH-Fluffy-Pupper-Ears-v2/26643135
❥ [M.O.R] kitsune set (tail only) - https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/MOR-kitsune-set-bentoanimesh/13377318
❥ :: wickedpup :: DAWG TAIL // BENTO TAIL - https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/wickedpup-DAWG-TAIL-BENTO-TAIL/24489542
❥ SG Spaniel Ears - https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/SG-Spaniel-Ears/26342868
· · ──────【 N O T E S 】────── · ·
❥ This is a mod kit, NOT a full avatar
❥ This mod kit already has the M size of my Labrador Tail so you do not need to purchase the Labrador Tail separately unless you want the S or L sizes
❥ The model's hair is from Truth
❥ Info notecard has links to video + text instructions
❥ Please ask for help in the Discord if you have any trouble - https://linktr.ee/CakeWhisk
· · ──────【 B L O G S 】────── · ·
❥ https://www.primfeed.com/cake.pop/posts/a57f448d-5abb-4b4c-a257-8e6f1b30e8af
· · ──────【 C H A N G E L O G 】────── · ·
❥ 12 January 2025 - Initial release!
- BoM skins: athletic, chubby, & slim
- BoM Dog Espen: head, mouth, eyebrows, & flesh colours
- Mesh tail and mesh ears
- Textures for various parts
Excellent mod
Whisk/Okaie consistently provides top notch textures for their mods and this product is no exception. I appreciate the inclusion of numerous skin variations and the option to use rigged or unrigged ears. Well worth the money.
Whisk/Okaie has been one of my favorite stores for years. I've yet to find myself dissatisfied with any of their products. Their customer support is also most excellent.