White Candles

Clicking on candle toggles particle effects.
Can be worn in right hand, or used as decoration.
My complete catalog of necklaces, magic staves, and wands is available at my main store in SL: http://slurl.com/secondlife/Euryale/211/11/234.
Wish you could resize
This candle is nice to look at and a good price however, it is very small and if you make it larger the flame drops down inside the candle. The script is no mod, so you can't adjust the flame height.
Perfect if you need a smaller candle, not as good if you would like to resize it.
Just what I was looking for
It was surprisingly difficult to find a single, thin white candle on the marketplace, but this is just what I was looking for! Modify permissions let me add a HoverText script since I'm using this as a memorial candle.