G General

Windmill v.4 (Multiple Copy)

Windmill v.4 (Multiple Copy)

This is a windmill that pivots to face the wind with blades than spin faster or slower depending upon the speed of the SL wind. It also displays the direction of the wind in degrees and it's speed in meters/second.

There are two versions available.

The inexpensive version is tranferable but cannot be copied.

The more expensive version is if you want to start a wind farm or feel like tinkering with it. It can be copied but not transfered.

Both versions can be modified so that you can change the size and colors if you want. But, be careful if you change the no copy version. If you mess up the orientation or the linking of the prims, it will break. (Thats the other reason I sell the copy version.)

This is the copy version.

Make sure you buy the one you really want and enjoy.

See it and buy it (for less) in world at the Hax's Havens main store in Quaker Park.