G General

Winter Mead Hall

Winter Mead Hall

Based on the design of medieval norse stave churches,this large,complex Mead Hall is perfect for medieval and northern environments,as a main or secondary hall, a feasting hall or a temple to the northern gods.

The hall features sculpted log walls and roofs,sculpted raven head roof decors and prim wood beaming.The interior is entirely open,with two wooden stairways leading up to a raised platform.The double doors are lockable.The winter version features scultped snow and icicles all over the roofs.

The snow and ice part is not linked to the structure, making it easy, if desired, to delete it, to save on prims or for non-winter months roleplay.

W.Mead Hall Prims:305
Snow & Ice Prims:110

Base:30x25 Mt Height:25 Mt

Trident has been designing and creating medieval and ancient builds since 2007. The inspiration for our work comes from our passion for medieval reenactment and research of historic houses, ships, furniture, jewelry and clothing.

Trident builds are fully supported and continually updated to increase detail and reduce prim count making use of custom sculpts and texturing, and unique scripts and animations.

Laufey Markstein
December 2009

See item in Second Life
  • Lockable Door
  • Snow & Ice Separate, for Easy Editing
  • Base:30x25 Mt Height:25 Mt
  • On/Off Fireplace
Average rating: full star full star full star full star full star
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full star full star full star full star full star Posted November 30, 2011 by Alexia Marksman

I just couldn't believe it was copy AND modify. When it's spring I will simply remove the snow and keep the building. I have never seen such a detailed item in SL, like *every single prim* has been studied and carefully placed and texturized and has got its own reason to be where it is. Woah!

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Best Ever
full star full star full star full star full star Posted June 23, 2011 by Rex Rayna

I have never written a review for any product in SL, but when I received this mead hall and rezzed it in world, I was in total we of it. The detailing and craftsmanship is unrivaled. Clearly the best meadhouse/longhall on the grid. Pure genius.

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Amazing detail
full star full star full star full star full star Posted June 18, 2011 by Ezekiel Crow

Amazing detail with icicles on the roof and all...snow can be easily deleted and you're left with the complete non winter version too.

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