Party with your friends in this Winterfun Snow Dome!
Sculpted Snow Dome
Mesh Frozen Pond
Sculpted snowy groundcovers
2 Picknick tables with animated sits
Logs & Fire with sound
Snowy Dance Floor features:
* DJ Booth
- DJ gear with spinning turntable (optional)
- High quality DJ pose animation (adjustable)
* Tipjar (optional)
- Configurable to set to certain group
- One click login / logout
- Drag on DJ logo for display
- Reconverts to default texture on log out (you can put in your own)
* Donation box (optional)
- Configurable to set to certain avatar/group key
- One click login by owner
- Drop your own texture in for display
- Reconvert to default texture on log out (you can put in your own)
* Sculpted couch (optional)
- Bottom cushions are single sit animations
- Top cushions are couple sit animations
* Bar
- Movable (optional) sculpted barstools with 8 animated sits - shift+arrow to change sit
- Bartender animation
- Bartender script that gives out 40 free drinks
* Sculpted fire torches with sculpted flames
* All baked shadows
* Original texture artwork
Footprint: 20x20
Max. prims: 174
Min. prims: 55
All is MODIFY so you can change colors or remove items and replace with your own.
The whole comes in a rezzbox for easy placement.
Easy re-rezzing since everything is COPY.
NB: No snow or fire? Reset the scripts :)
Come see it in-world!
See item in Second Life- winter
- dome skybox
- ice skating
- dancefloor
- snow
really nice
When I saw the pic I got curious and tp-ed in... wow! the picture doesn't do justice to it!
You need to see it inworld guys! I love this because its instant winter and you can even inv your friends for it. My bf is a starting dj and he loves to practice - ideal among friends :) Hey I just like it, keep up the good work!