G Geral

Witches Cave, with extras

Witches Cave, with extras

Thank you for your purchase. The Witches Cave is 55 prims and i have put it in 2 ways, linked and unlinked ( separate pieces) so you can re-arrange to your liking. And incase you would like more trees out etc. The one named Witches Cave is the one linked. The one named Cave Alcove is the set not linked so u can re-arrange things. This Cave Scene has nice extras, broom, caudron, wand, and candy are all animated. Candles are color change, which i put in an extra set not linked to table in case you would like more candles. I even put in a witches hat for u to wear.

Whole Scene 55 prims copy
Cave 3 prims -- copy & mod
Tree 2, 2 prims -- copy & mod
Tree 3, 3 prims -- copy & mod
Caudron 9 prims -- copy, Stirring animation
Cauldron stick 1 prim, copy and mod, gives stick apon touch
Broom 1 prim, copy & mod, gives broom on touch, broom is animated upon wear.
Jack O lantern 2, 3 prims, copy & mod, hollow with nice flame inside
Jack O lantern 3, 3 prims, copy & mod, hollow with nice flame inside
Tree stump, 1 prim copy & mod.
Halloween Treat Tray, 11 prims, copy, menu driven gives treats
Witches Table, 11 prims, candles on it are color change by menu, Magic book is menu driven, touch for interesting reading material, Wand touch to recieve a wand with particle effect and animation. Touch end of want to turn on and off particle effect.
Pillow pile. 3 prims, copy, each pillow has a separate sit, click on the desired pillow and choose sit from pie menu.
Back drop 2 prims copy & mod,
Leafy Floor, 2 prims copy & mod
Witches hat 1 prim copy & mod
Candles, 6 prims total, 2 prims each, color change copy & mod

  • Witches cave with accessories
  • Accessories with animations
  • Copy and modify