G Generell

Wizardly Wiz Hat (Tintable)

Wizardly Wiz Hat (Tintable)

An unscripted two prim sculpted wizard / mage / warlock / caster / witch / MAGICALPERSON hat for all your arcane needs. Tintable version.

Durchschnittliche Einstufung: full star full star full star full star full star
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full star full star full star full star full star Veröffentlicht 9.9.2009 von Messamo House

This hat is absolutely amazing. Its so good that I had to buy it twice so I could dual wield these hats. This hat not only gives you +8 to dex and int, it also has a rather high armor value for being a cloth wizard/mage item. This hat has saved me many a time because of how high my armor is now, so those monster battles are just a little bit easier. Oh man, and with that +8 dex and int, my spells cast faster and high harder then ever. Thanks Stephmo, for making this hat and doing a great service to this society.

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