G Général

Womanity - 4th of July Specials - WATCH 1

Womanity - 4th of July Specials - WATCH 1

Show your Patriotism,

America has truly been the land of the free and the home of the brave. Over two centuries ago our Forefathers risked their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor so their decedents could live freely and flourish in a land blessed by the Almighty. And we truly have been a blessed nation.

We have withstood massive odds, flourished and bore good fruit, provided a shelter and a helping hand to those in need, and have been as a light set on a hill for the world to see. The Founding Fathers built a foundation of liberty and freedom by writing and ratifying The Constitution of the United States of America. The Constitution is our rule of law that guarantees our God-given, individual liberty, and restrains our government from becoming an overreaching, tyrannical institution of immorality. The Constitution must be protected and embraced in order for us to remain free, and for the federal government to remain a government of the people, by the people, and for the people.

Every American is called to serve in one form or another. Whether it be in the military, becoming a politician, opening up a small business, helping out those in need, being a good neighbor, or by simply showing your patriotism.

Showing your patriotism is not just about flying an American Flag or putting a patriotic symbol on your car, although those things are great, it’s about being a patriot at heart.

Our 4th of July Mesh Specials can assist in not just showing patriotism, but becoming a patriot at heart.

Mrs. W
Wetherby's and Womanity Owner
and Creative Director

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  • 100% mesh
  • Alpha layer included
  • Reasonable priced
  • Many styles to choose from
  • High Detailed Mesh