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Worlds End - Cairns

Worlds End - Cairns

Cairns are often found along country and mountain trails, marking the way or sometimes points of significance.

This set includes 4 Cairn mesh models using seamless textures + materials. You can add your own textures to these pieces to match your own style.

Cairn 1-2 - 1 PE
Cairn 3-4 - 2 PE


A lot of people are worrying about "next-gen" platforms and content compatibility.

So I want to state here that as mesh, ALL worlds End items are compatible with SL2 and High Fidelity. You can purchase with confidence that your purchases will be provided to you in the new world but only UPON REQUEST.

This is to ensure that I have a record of who has what in the "new worlds" no matter what system they use to keep track of purchases.

I am also very active on the Kitely Marketplace, where you can purchase my items for delivery to any Opensim grid which accepts deliveries.


I am a rather big Opensim enthusiast and spend most of my time there these days, but I still get offline IMs and will be available to assist you if you need support.