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*Xtal* Singing Winged Dryad

*Xtal* Singing Winged Dryad
*Xtal* Singing Winged Dryad
0 Reviews

Once upon a time, a sweet fairy fell in love with a handsome dryad and, through the magic of nature they produced a child, a beautiful dryad girl but with wings like her mother!

Shunned by the other fairy and dryad children, she spent most of her time alone, singing to the forest creatures as she danced gently in the breeze. In time, all who knew her came to love her and.... she lived happily ever after!

Well....dryads are not meant to have wings but she looked so pretty with them I thought well why not!

She sings a looped lullabye song from Pan's Labyrinth so beautifully as she gently hovers with fireflies gently floating around her. A wonderful addition to any fantasy forest or garden!

Come see her!

She is average female avatar sized and is just 7 Land Impact!

4 options included!
1. Looped for continuous play - any user click on/off
2. Looped for continuous play - owner only click on/off
3. Not looped, plays song once only - any user click on/off
4. Not looped, plays song once only - owner only click on/off

Copy/Mod/No Transfer - scripts and sounds are copy only.

Created using mesh with flexi prim wings.

See item in Second Life

L$ 150

Adding to cart as gift


*Xtal* Store
*Xtal* Store
Sold by: Krystal Iridescent

Unpacking Required

This item requires you to find a place in Second Life (like a Sandbox) to unpack and use it.

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  • Copy
  • Modify
  • Transfer
  • User Licensed
Automatic redelivery
Mesh: 100% Mesh
Land Impact: 7