G Generell

.:-->> YELIZ <<--:. *ALEENA* Jeans Kleid mit Spitze - MEGA-HUD -

.:-->> YELIZ <<--:. *ALEENA* Jeans Kleid mit Spitze - MEGA-HUD -


>>>> NUR für MESH-Avatare <<<<

Jeans Kleid mit Spitze ( 100 % MESH )
HUD gesteuert:

● 30 Kleid Texturen
● 5 Kleid Texturen in Spitze

● 2 Slip Texturen
Jeans Kleid mit Spitze gefertigt für:
● Maitreya (kompatibel)
● SLink (Physique)
● SLink (HourGlass)
● Belleza (Freya)
● Belleza (Isis)
● Belleza (Venus)
● TMP (kompatibel)

- Mesh-Körper/Füße NICHT in diesem ANGEBOT enthalten !!

Solltest Du Hilfe brauchen, stehen Dir Chicky Shan & Faramir Babenco, gern zur Seite.

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Artikel in Second Life anzeigen
  • SLink Physique HourGlass Belleza Freya Isis Venus Maitreya TMP
  • Kleid Spitze laced lace Jeans Dress
  • Frauen
  • MESH
Durchschnittliche Einstufung: full star full star full star full star empty star
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  • 2 Stern:
  • 1 Stern:
Does not fit Slink hourglass
full star empty star empty star empty star empty star Veröffentlicht 17.5.2022 von SteffyLou

Two holes in the side that alphas won't cover, for slink hourglass.

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Pretty Dress for every occasion.
full star full star full star full star full star Veröffentlicht 27.8.2017 von RavenSaffron

Pretty dress for the summer,a nice look for weekend wear clubbing or casual wear through the week,Fits nicely and the colours and patterns are well made.Perfect for the newer player that doesn't have much in there account.

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nicely done
full star full star full star full star full star Veröffentlicht 1.7.2017 von Sareenlee

pretty dress at a great price, had to adjust on Belleza 1 or 2 alphas but not a problem. Looked as good as the pics show.

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Best Designer and Fashion minded creator in SL!! Price, fashion and support!
full star full star full star full star full star Veröffentlicht 24.6.2017 von THEBIGTONI

Everyone, Yeliz is the absolute best in fashion, support and price. I have tons of outfits and it's all so well done and the creation of fashion is amazing! I love Chicky and Faramir! I encourage you to go and look because it's rare you find complete female outfits with accessories like shoes or boots with multi-color options for both for such a wonderful inexpensive price. Thank you Yeliz you are the best in SL!

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