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ZAF_Felidae_Avatar_ Box

ZAF_Felidae_Avatar_ Box

This avatar is custom build from the ground up and its rigging will not be universal across the board.
Example : Custom Rigged Items that was not designed for the avatar will most likely not fit him.


I am proud to present my First Ever Avatar on Second Life!
This guy is packed with features!

My Entire Avatar is uniquely created from Scratch by Me (Johan Bizet) and Textures by DobbelGanger Ghost.

List of Features Build-into the Avatar:

- Tiger and Leopard Skin added.
- Customization Hud For Easier Recoloring.
........Recolourable Paws,Nails,Nose,Lips,Mouth,Tongue,Inner Ears, Iris,Scalera
........Also able to hide body parts.
........ZAF_Clothing will have Auto Hide Features.
- Hud for Expressions (Toggles Open and Close by Keyboard Button)
- Unique Face Expressions to pick from.
........Able to Select up to 5 expressions to play at random.
........Able to Indivually Close,Lid and Open eyes.
........Able to include ear expressions to play along your selected expression.
........Of-Course your avatar will blink at random.
........Jaw Talk (while texting). Can be disabled if your avatar is gagged.
- Hand Expressions along with toggable Arm Animation to fit Hand Expressions.
........Hand Animations can be toggled off to open up for 3rd Party Bento Hand AO's
- Unique Tail Animations
........Loop swing animations
........Static animations with a twitch and movement triggering at random.
........Hold your tail and swing it around
- Unique Ear Animations
- Build in Gestures, Which reacts to your public chat text.
........For example, "<3" Will cause your character to blush up and even hearts to float above his head.
........Cute Blush,Sweat Drop, Dejected and even cry facial texture emogies.
........Floating Hearts, Question Symbols, Exclamation marks and more can appear above your character's head fitting towards the corresponding gesture triggered.
........Gesture Features can be Toggled Off
- Sounds
........Roar like a Tiger. Along With 3 variants of sound and animation.
........Chuff like a Tiger.
........Purr like a Kitten.
........Meow like a Cheetah.
........Sounds can be lowered with command,even rendered silent.
- Running and Walking causes your Cheek Fur ,Tail and Ears to wobble and move.
........Running for too long will cause your character to become tired.
- Free Clothing Set included.
........Featuring : Hooded-Jacket,Shorts,Gloves,Leggings
....................and Glasses.
........Don't want you to get cold now. ;-)
- Restraint commands for Arms,Hands,Face
- Animated Eyes, Reacts to picking different face expressions and Build-in Gestures.
. Two states to pick for the Eyes, from Default to Slitted preferances
. Via commands you can make them glow and have more glossyness inworld.
- Interactable Face clicker, friends or you can touch your ears,muzzle,cheeks and head.

NEW in v1.04
~ Tattoo Handler ,use to texture and set the color,glow, transparency and fullbright values of your tattoos.
~ Skin Texture applier Script added.
~ Free Halloween goodies added

Future Plans for further Character Development.
Reported Bugs will take Priority to be fixed.

Also Basic AO + UV maps:

©Johan Bizet
©Doppelganger Ghost -Textures

  • Full Furry Mesh Avatar
  • Bento Custom Avatar
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Zaf Team Has Got Mad Skills Pushing the boundary's!!!
full star full star full star full star full star Posted May 03, 2021 by Marlalshwishtan Sausage

I Have Done My Best To Explore Every Avatar On The Market And This One Is One Of The Vary Few I Found That Functions Shockingly Practical And Optimized On Resources And Its A Vary Will Made Textures And Mesh It Seems To Be A Lil More Toon Than Some Seem To Be Looking For But It Has A Vary Realistic Looking Aspect That They Seem To Miss In There Observation That I Picked Up On In That This Avatar Was Made To Handle Bento Animations Vary Will And The Tail And Behind Have A Realistic Anthromorphic Feline Base That Is Hard To Find And It Seems To Fit some Mesh Clothes That It Was Not Made For That Surprised Me As Will So I Recommend This Avatar Its Worth Its Price It Seems.

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Good quality avatar
full star full star full star full star empty star Posted February 08, 2020 by Adaro Moorlord

I bought this avatar some time ago to update one of my main avatars, and I do not regret my purchase. I have to say that it is really good quality, you can tell that a lot of work has been put into it. The bento features are just an added bonus, with a fully rigged and animated head. It looks so realistic that it can be a bit uncanny at times with the animations, but that's okay! It is rather low lag, it's not very taxing on script resources, and it seems to be rather efficient on graphical resources too.
I like the avatar a lot, and use it a lot, my friends like it as well. I like it so much that I am thinking about buying the sabercat avatar too. I just wish that there were more slices to the alphas, because it clips with some clothing on the legs and chest area.
I would have rated it 5 stars if it had more alpha slices, and the face was a little less cartoony, also there is the fact that it lacks a developer kit for making clothing. Other than that I like it and I still use it as one of my main avatars.
Buy it now if you are considering it, you won't regret it!

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He's adorable!
full star full star full star full star full star Posted June 14, 2019 by FlashFennec

You have a good avatar, but they often ask me. "Hey friend! Where did he come from? Is there a female version?" I think your avatar does not have enough advertising. I have not seen it on sale in the world, except in the MP. Maybe we should think about expanding the information? And I really like the avatar. I purchased additional content for it and am very pleased. A lot of animations allow you to make funny facial expressions and actions (in particular in the lower part of the belt). Recommend! +5 Stars!

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Actually made me buy a cat avi
full star full star full star full star full star Posted August 18, 2018 by LykosAtari

Im all about being unique with my avis and usually shyed away from the usual dog and cat avis you see everywhere. This avi is incredibly well done though and is my first and only common sl critter avi. The customization is good and i love the tail but the faces and intractability with some of my gestures he does really sold me. My only wish is that there was a purple skin for the tiger so i can look like the cheshire cat with the grin he makes the dark blue one is close but not quite.

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One of the best Bento furries ever!
full star full star full star full star full star Posted July 23, 2018 by Darrien Lightworker

For the price, it's not a bad avatar! I've done an updated review on my team's blog at https://furremagazine.tumblr.com/post/176202407757/zaf-felidae-avatar-male along with pictures and more details. Definitely check it out if you wish!

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This is worth every Linden!
full star full star full star full star full star Posted July 09, 2018 by HermitBlue

Wow, I thought that's a lot of L's ! But I kept coming back to the page, and I'm glad I did, as I finally purchased him. He has a lot of animations, in his Face, Ears, Paws, and Tail, each one has more anims than you can even try to imagine. ( My fave is probably him flipping you the bird, but i'm weird like that) Did I mention he looks also fantastic? Don't hesitate like me for a few days! After getting him, I decided that's a cheap price, I actually would have paid more...Looking forward to the next creation! ( Wolf?)

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