Spring Time SALE!!!!! 50% OFF.
Note: Will not work in GCS forced Ray Cast areas or if the sim is set for GCS weapons only.Don't be a fool and IM me saying they don't work if you only intend to use them in sims with that configuration..Please save yourself the embarrassment..
You get the weps that will rain hell fire on Zombies..And that is it..No slung version..No particle fairy dust...Just the best damn set of zombie killers you will ever own.
The bullets are made to do the most possible damage to a scripted zombie possible without causing lag or grief.
Each pistol is set at different velocities to ensure every hit counts. The lower speed in the left hand version will let you hit zombies right in your face. And the higher speed right hand version will knock them down at longer ranges..And anything in between is completely destroyed..And they do work on other players in PVP as well..
This set is equal to or better then any "Zombie Weapon" You can buy. You don't have to wait to level to do tons of damage..You can thank me now or later ...
Have fun!
nice but
it dont work with gcs hud
So much blood!!
I've had these guns for years and they kill great. Too bad they don't create a GCS compatible version, I'd buy them again.
the best
wow dis guns is good i use it in my sim an works good i give 5 Stars
Almost didn't buy it...But..This is awesome!!!!
I saw the one low review..But I read the others and grabbed it..So awesome is all I can say..
I like it best in semi auto as the instructions say..But burst is still not real laggy. A good time and quick killer.
Worked for 1 Day :(
5 stars for the 1st and ONLY DAY these guns worked. I've tried every possible solution, nothing worked. Oh well.....