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[aR] Quatrelle + Rallye Raid v1.1 Car Version 1.2


The [aR] Quatrelle + Rallye Raid model is entirely modeled, painted, and scripted from scratch. It is built with handmade 'Levels of Detail' only. It provides a compromise between land impact and visual quality. You DO NOT have to increase your RenderVolumeLODFactor, and mess up your overall viewer performance, to view this model correctly, even from a distance far away

The vehicle is fully functional. It drives physically. No avatar attachments (besides the Speedometer HUD).

To drive the car use arrow, or WASD and PageUp/PageDown keys as usual.

Fix: Passenger scripts throwing can't find animation error

Added a temporary hover text option as the gear display, because the chat spam while changing gears was pretty annoying.

Land Impact [aR] Quatrelle v1.0: 43
Land Impact [aR] Quatrelle Rallye Raid v1.0: 45

• 100 % Mesh
• Handmade LODs only
• Normal and Cruise Control mode.
• LL Road Turn mode. (Easy to maneuver on LL roads.)
• Hi and Low Gear mode (6 speeds in each mode)
• Working Doors, Wipers, Steering Wheel, Projection Lights (front, rear), Direction Indicators
• Speedometer & Odometer (onboard & HUD)
• Customizable License Plates & Door Logo (License Plate templates included)
• Driver + 3 passengers
• Access: Owner, Group, Everybody*
• Passenger eject function
• 18 Colors + Dirt
• Auto Dirt (Get dirty while driving)
• Various particle effects.
• Ground & Hover mode
• Show/Hide option for various extras. (e.g. Picnic Basket, Suitcase, Roof Rack, Jerry Cans etc.)
• Free Updates
• Rez Zone Finder integrated into the HUD. (Scans the region for public rezz zones)
• and more...

*When Access is set to 'Everybody', the vehicle will be 'Temporary' as soon as the avatar starts to drive. The vehicle will delete itself when the driver stands up.

All 2D/3D/Scripting by arton Rotaru

  • 100% Mesh / Handmade LODs
  • Normal & Cruise Control mode
  • LL Road Turn mode
  • Auto Dirt
  • Ground & Hover mode
Average rating: full star full star full star full star full star
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Incredibly good and easy to drive
full star full star full star full star full star Posted January 21, 2024 by Pirlo Placebo

This must still be one of the most drivable cars on SL! Just keep the speed down and you won't notice the Sim borders at all. If you get pushed it is really simple to get back on the road again (hint: the hover facility is more than just a way to the moon), although a camera restore button on the Hud would be a most excellent addition. All in all, an unexpected delight to drive. Thank you for your efforts, arton Rotaru.

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Just too cool and cute, drives great too
full star full star full star full star full star Posted May 26, 2023 by Nastya Ninetails

I bought this car 2 years ago and I still go back to it. I realised I never reviewed it when I showed it to a friend just now. I love how it has the option to accumulate dirt as you drive along (for the rally version) and how you can smack it onto it's side if you drive it like an idiot.

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so nice
full star full star full star full star full star Posted October 22, 2020 by GusRed82

drives really sweet, yes it can fall over, but that is when you make a steering fault or when you crash hard, it takes sim crossings really well, and looks AMAZING. I bought this car as my grandfather has one rl and i always helped him fiddle with it, it looks exactly like the real thing, from all the cars i have, this is my favorite. keep the car in standard as it is delivered tho, I experienced a few errors the moment I set it in cruising, honestly it will not take away the fun ofthe car and that it is briliant as it drives awesome if you keep it as is out of the box so to say, so even with that lil thing, still a DEFO 5 star wich should have been 10 stars if you ask me.

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I wish the creator would make more.
full star full star full star full star full star Posted March 17, 2019 by Katrina Nightingale

I purchased this vehicle back in March of 2013 and i have collected many more vehicles since then but i will always love this car, it was and still is one of the cutest and best detailed little vehicles i own i use to drive her all over Second Norway and Bay City. I really hope the creator would consider making cars again.

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just luv it!
full star full star full star full star full star Posted January 19, 2019 by MeesterP

This is probably my favorite car in SL. It has lots of functionalities, commands and options available, looks great and it is very reliable to drive on the road. Kudos!

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Very Nice Car
full star full star full star full star full star Posted February 10, 2018 by Markus Tairov

That´s a very nice car, looks very great and driving is very easy to use ! Love it.

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