Artilleri specializes in time travelling, more specifically taking you back to the merry 1950s.
Be it retro and rockabilly clothing, accessories, hair, eyewear, furniture or a cheerful atmosphere, you'll find it at Artilleri.
Please visit the Artilleri sim in-world! :)
To see this item, stop by Artilleri HOME!
Included is 6 versions in different colours: Turquoise, yellow, white, red, green and pink.
45 prims.
Gives out icecream using a drop-down to anyone who clicks the counter.
PERMISSIONS: Mod/copy/No transfer. Because of the no modify scripts inside of the object it will show up as no mod in your inventory, but you can still edit the prims.
•Mod/Copy/No transfer
•All products available at the mainstore inworld.
See item in Second LifeThe person who made this cared
Well made, looks good, works perfectly, perfect for any small creamery ^-^
Love it in pink!
The only thing missing is the girl behind the counter :D
Awesome Quality!
Very clean/nice looking and the ice cream tastes AWESOME! Thanks for this! =)