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camera dolly move animation - studio equipment - filmset - work

camera dolly move animation - studio equipment - filmset - work

A dolly move animation. For an electric dolly.
It is an avatar animation, so it moves very smooth with less lag and with nearly no prim impact (only 2)!
The dolly / camera equipment will be used as a worn object as an attachment, it will costs no rez-prims then.

It is an animation to illustrate your film set and studio decoration, it has no real screen-capture functions.

The dolly + cam itself is NOT part of this delivery!! NO other items indside here -> just the animation and a rail (1 mesh / 1 prim impact) and a handwheel (11 solid prims / because to wear, it doesn't matter).

The animation comes in two versions:
1. Endless running dolly, handled a bit with the arms and looking to. Running is <-10m-> and 30sec.
2. "End of work" part with a stop and stretching arms in the neck. Second is looped, too, but it jumps back to start after it ends.

Please notice again, that you need another seller's dolly + camera or you own build
for this! I use a modified GBD Spider dolly and as a camera another different one for my work with this animation -> fits well. :)

When you own such a dolly with a cam, or you plan to build one, this animation set them alive very smooth while wearing it. :)
You can play the second animation inworld directly from your inventory without leaving the poseball with the main running inside, because 2nd has the same position and overruns the first.

Add some prims (footpad + handwheel) to your dolly and place them to the animation's hand/feet/body positions -> will fit well.

See videolink for the animation or have a look inworld.

See item in Second Life View Video »