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clam shell seat

clam shell seat

Animated clam shell seat, sit and swish your tail.
Tala all merfolk, and welcome to my store.
Selling a range of beautiful mermaid tails in a variety of colures to suit all tastes.A slection of mermaid shell tops,mermaid furniture and pose balls.
Also a wonderful range of low prim fish tanks in a range of sizes ,all including fish , coral, moving water effect and aquarium bubbles. A selection of artwork also rangeing in all colours and styles.

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Just Adorable
full star full star full star full star full star Posted January 29, 2013 by Seeress

Looks great in my mermaid grotto. Thanks.

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not bad
full star full star full star empty star empty star Posted June 03, 2012 by Rainy Fizzle

worked great for a performance set i did

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Still waiting to hear from you.....
full star empty star empty star empty star empty star Posted November 08, 2011 by IsabellaSummers

I am still waiting to hear from you...

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