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classic-paper-plane-arrow-plane-set - DIN-format - original-UV-folded - 13 different versions - main-version-low-flicker

classic-paper-plane-arrow-plane-set - DIN-format - original-UV-folded - 13 different versions - main-version-low-flicker

Classic paper arrow plane. DIN-sized. Original UV-folded.

Comes in 13 different versions:

A: blank sheet
B: two corners folded
C: four corners folded
D: five corners folded
E: glued
F: straight in hand
G: flying hard
H: flying smooth
I: flying more smooth
J: flying very smooth
K: lying on ground, left side
L: lying on ground, right side
M: lying on ground overhead.

All versions come in all-surfaces-shaded-smooth, some versions in all-faces-shaded-flat and some versions with the main faces flat and the round corner edges smooth.

All versions come in 0,5 impact (noLOD, 2 linked = still 1 impact) and average-LODed with 1 impact each.

The main object "version-I-flight-more-smooth-shaded-smooth" comes as a low-flicker-version also, where face-flickering is eliminated best as possible by deleted all invisible and the nearly invisible inner faces. This version comes also very-high-LODed with 2, 4 + 9 impact.

All versions are delivered on a range-pallet in blank and textured (textured with this printed form seen here), in DIN-A3 and DIN-A4. All linked, each pallet = 27 impact. So you need 28-50 free prims for de-linking one to all. The main-version-I with its extra 4+9 LOD-impact comes on an additional pallet.
This main object "version-I-low-flicker" comes also as the single-1-prim-object to rezz it directly from the primarily list.
About this kind of annoying face-flickering:

Please notice, that most of the other versions will result face-flickering due to nearby faces, till you stop this flickering with a trick. Means: Yes, you can eliminate the flickering in such a case by, for example, linking two flicker-objects together or link them each with a regular rezzed prim. What will also work is rezzing the flicker-objects as a part of a linkset from your inventory (so you do not see flickering after you rezzed your received pallets for the first time).
You say: That sounds to good to be true!?? Yes -> unfortunately we have a BUT.... !!! :(
But... this flickering-disappearing-tricks work only on your ACTUAL online session and it works only for other avatars being on your parcel when linking/rezzing is under proceed. It does not work when avas TP IN or log ON AFTER linking/rezzing. Faces will become unstable again after a relog or a TP.

As a general rule you can say: A linkset avoids face-flickering much better than a pure single object.

Ok, I had some rare situations (on different viewers), where faces stood stable on a linkset after a TP OUT and IN, after a log OFF and ON, or after a 1st login to a new rezzed linkset from another ava, or a flickering linkset became stable again after a de-link of one object instead of linking... but all RARE and not repeatable and not for longer periods of acting with the objects and avas. All positive stabilty effects seemed to be pure coincidence.

The only GUARANTEE to eliminate flickering is the linking of the flicker-objects to each other or to another prim and that works only during actual session and only for present nearby avatars without leaving the parcel or the sight-range too far.

In contrast: WEARING the flicker-objects results NO flickering at all and never! :)
We can assume, that this is a technical purpose to make tiny jewellery, shoelaces, complex hair and so on usable. The linking of an object to an avatar seem's to be much more "consistent" than to a regular rezzed linkset.
So this face-flickering does not have anything to do with grafic-settings, nor with installed drivers for the grafic-card, has nothing to do with mesh-upload-settings, nor with any viewer-value-settings or with anything else around. It seem's to be a specific platform-setting only. Just the different viewers may "read" the constitution of rezzed linksets with a little bit difference, but nothing far over pure coincidence...
If you investigated an interesting new aspect about this flickering, if you made any other experiences with it, or if you know how to stop it generally by a viewer-value-setting and of course without the wisdom-advice "you should create better items", then feel free to let me know. :)
Let's say: This item is very well to use for photo- and movie-sessions, when the planes will be linked during the actual session and when they are in use for the nearby acting avatars only.
Nevertheless, you have the main version as a low-flicker-object, too.

Comes with a notecard (explaining this antiflicker-link-trick, tells about texturing the faces, lists DIN-formats A0-A10).

Count of vertices: From 56 (blank sheet) to ~1,8K.
See pics and inworld. Inworld the main-version-I-low-flicker is shown with its average-LOD-1-impact and as a DIN-A0 size.
If questions, IM me.

See item in Second Life