Purchase this item & leave a review and I will send you a gift! Just IM me (Emily Kaestner) in-world with a link to your review and I will send your prize within 48 hours.
1 prim flat, unsculpted rugs. You get all 8 here. Only 1 prim each!
**Ignore what the photo says, you're getting ALL of the items pictured, in all colors/types.
Thank you for shopping at croire on the Second Life marketplace. If you have any questions about this item or issues with your transaction, please do not hesitate to contact me in-world. Send a notecard or IM to Emily Kaestner and I will do my best to help!
- all colors included
- 1 prim each
- mix and match
- custom patterns not found anywhere else in sl
Love the rugs
I bought these for a youth counseling service we are starting up and they look great in the teen room!