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[[dD]] Mexican Long Dress w/ Rebozo (Pink) Mexico Texture Changer hud 6 different colors

[[dD]] Mexican Long Dress w/ Rebozo (Pink) Mexico Texture Changer hud 6 different colors

• 5 Standard Sizes ( Dress & Shawl together)
•Rebozo: Belleza, Fitmesh, Ocacin, Slink, Tonic, Voluptuous
•Dress: Fitmesh, Freya, Hourglass, Isis, Maitreya, Ocacin, Physique, Tonic Curvy, Tonic Fine, Venus, Voluptuous
• 1 Alpha for classic avatars

Demo has all colors available

** Requires the use of a mesh enabled viewer and Alpha/Invisibilty viewer such as Second Life viewers 2 and 3 and some 3rd party viewers. Here is a link of 3rd party viewers: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Third_Party_Viewer_Directory.

  • Mexican Outfit, Mexican Out fits, Mexican Outfits, Atuando mexicano,
  • Atuendo, Atuendos , tradicional mexicano, mejico, Mexico,
  • Mariachi, Mariachis, Charra, Charro, Charras, Charros, Serenata
  • Independencia, 5 de mayo, Dia de muertos, Dia de los muertos
Average rating: full star full star full star empty star empty star
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  • 1 star:
full star empty star empty star empty star empty star Posted April 12, 2024 by Alvinchen

disgusting dress,no scarf for Maitreya and above all the dress is for standing, not moving,
When you move it the texture looks terrible
I deleted it, money wasted

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BBB, bueno bonito y barato - Good, pretty and cheap
full star full star full star full star full star Posted April 20, 2018 by Paty Firanelli

Hace tiempo lo compré para inaugurar un restaurante que me invitaron a poner en un sim RP de los 50’s gabacho. No sé porque no había escrito reseña pero si, está padre, muy lindo, muy pro. Coman tacos y encurtidos.
I bought it some time ago to open a restaurant that I was invited to place in a 50's RP sim gringo.
I don't know why I had not written a review but yes, it's cool, very nice very pro.
Eat tacos and pickles 「(⌒_⌒;)

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