• 5 Standard Sizes ( Dress & Shawl together)
•Rebozo: Belleza, Fitmesh, Ocacin, Slink, Tonic, Voluptuous
•Dress: Fitmesh, Freya, Hourglass, Isis, Maitreya, Ocacin, Physique, Tonic Curvy, Tonic Fine, Venus, Voluptuous
• 1 Alpha for classic avatars
Demo has all colors available
** Requires the use of a mesh enabled viewer and Alpha/Invisibilty viewer such as Second Life viewers 2 and 3 and some 3rd party viewers. Here is a link of 3rd party viewers:
- Mexican Outfit, Mexican Out fits, Mexican Outfits, Atuando mexicano,
- Atuendo, Atuendos , tradicional mexicano, mejico, Mexico,
- Mariachi, Mariachis, Charra, Charro, Charras, Charros, Serenata
- Independencia, 5 de mayo, Dia de muertos, Dia de los muertos
disgusting dress,no scarf for Maitreya and above all the dress is for standing, not moving,
When you move it the texture looks terrible
I deleted it, money wasted
BBB, bueno bonito y barato - Good, pretty and cheap
Hace tiempo lo compré para inaugurar un restaurante que me invitaron a poner en un sim RP de los 50’s gabacho. No sé porque no había escrito reseña pero si, está padre, muy lindo, muy pro. Coman tacos y encurtidos.
I bought it some time ago to open a restaurant that I was invited to place in a 50's RP sim gringo.
I don't know why I had not written a review but yes, it's cool, very nice very pro.
Eat tacos and pickles 「(⌒_⌒;)