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!dM deviousMind "Elizabeth" **LILAC** HeadDress & Jewelry

!dM deviousMind "Elizabeth" **LILAC** HeadDress & Jewelry
!dM deviousMind "Elizabeth" **LILAC** HeadDress & Jewelry
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"Feathers, Pearls and Royals..."

HeadDress & Jewelry
by !dM deviousMind

!dM "Elizabeth" is deviousMinds contribution to "We <3 RolePlay" in January 2015 [available for at a discount at the event location until January 30, 2015]. The detailed head dress is materials enabled and availabe in 9 different colors **PEARL**, **RUBY**, **ROSE**, **LILAC**, **BLUE**, **MINT**, **GOLD**, **OLIVE** and **ONYX**, as well as a **COLOR PACK** in case you can't decide.

The head dress is unrigged mesh and can be resized and stretched through menu, to allow adjustment to your prefered hair style. The feathers can be hidden, and come with different color choices to compliment or contrast the head dress. This hat works best with hair that either uses a hair base with buns or smooth hair that follows the head lines (long styles or bob). The set comes with a matching pearl choker and earings for a complete look.

You should find the following things in your new couture box:
** represents the color of your purchase.

Mesh attachment:
(w/ resize and stretch menu)
(copy/no transfer/no mod)

• !dM Elizabeth - headDress **PINK** (chin)
• !dM Elizabeth - choker **PINK** (chest)
• !dM Elizabeth - earing **ROSE** (left)
• !dM Elizabeth - earing **ROSE** (right)


Textures and meshes for this set are own illustrations and designs created by Chandra Meehan for (*chanimations and deviousMind. I am NOT reselling my meshes/textures as templates so if you find them used by anybody else not connected to us, please help protect original content in SL and immediately inform us!

Thank you very much in advance!

(only for **COLOR PACK**)
The color pack includes an object named !dM deviousMind "Elizabeth" *[colorname]* - CHECK FOR UPDATE (rezz) which will check for free upgrades to any of the content of this set. We've included this so you will be up-to-date in case we release further colors in future.

Rezz the object and type "/12update" (without quotes) in open chat. You will receive your free upgrade should any be available.

If nothing happens, then there is likely none yet, or the sim you are in doesn't allow scripts to run.

Check our blog for all info on updates:

See item in Second Life
  • Different feather options by color menu
  • Custom textures & meshes :)

L$ 225

Adding to cart as gift


!dM deviousMind
Sold by: Chandra Meehan

Unpacking Required

This item requires you to find a place in Second Life (like a Sandbox) to unpack and use it.

Works with Classic and Mesh Avatars
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  • Copy
  • Modify
  • Transfer
  • User Licensed
See product details for permissions info
Automatic redelivery
Mesh: 100% Mesh