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Dark Marble Coffin (box)

Dark Marble Coffin (box)

Just in time for Halloween.. The Dark Marble Coffin is the perfect lil sleeping place for all you sleepy vampires in SL. The top and bottom lids open and close w/ a cool creaking sound, also features a cool vampire sleep pose.

The coffin was packed in a rezz box that will help you set and place your coffin w/ ease. Just rez, move, save, and delete.. that simple!

NOTE: May say no mod in your inventory but that is not the case.. only the scripts and poses in the coffin are no mod, everything else is modifiable. :)

Thx for looking!

  • Lids Open & Close
  • Cool Vampire Sleep Pose
  • High Quality Textures
  • cool creaking sounds
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Not What I Expected
full star empty star empty star empty star empty star Posted August 11, 2014 by Cadessia

It may say it is modifiable but it is not. After rezzing the coffin and positioning it, the lids will open then when they close one of both will move out of position and the scripts can't be reset at all. The idea of rezz a new coffin after each single use makes this product to much of a pain to both buying or using for any purpose except as a decoration. I do not recommend buying this product if you are looking for a functioning product.

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Do not buy if you want to modify
full star full star empty star empty star empty star Posted September 25, 2013 by Jerome Toman

The text says it's modifyable except the scripts but that is not true
I cannot resize, I can't change texture.
And, after placing, it is impossible to relocate it. Cause the scripts in the lids are not scripted well - when you open and close the lid, it relocates itself at the 1st rezz position. And you cannot reset the scripts. So you need to place a new coffin and adjust it's position before opening the lids the 1st time.
Design is well done, pose inside is fine.

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