Dust Bunny is a home and decor brand, 100% Original Mesh created by Noel Bunny for Second Life™. Dust Bunny is a high quality brand with many creations that bring a special touch of functional adora-blilty to your decorative spaces in-world.
✎ Dust Bunny Mainstore
✎ Dust Bunny Marketplace
✎ Dust Bunny Flickr
✎ Dust Bunny Plurk
✎ Dust Bunny Facebook
Please see all buildings in world before purchasing!
My buildings are not made with intent to be modified other than resizing, please modify at your own risk!
▷ bunny alarm clock
all eight colors included
▷ only 1 land impact per clock
▷ bunny alarm clocks for all the corners of your home!
see in-world ♥
See item in Second Life- 100% Original Mesh
I love all things bunnies! this is sooooo cool!