dust bunny . the gable townhouses
Dust Bunny is a home and decor brand, 100% Original Mesh created by Noel Bunny for Second Life™. Dust Bunny is a high quality brand with many creations that bring a special touch of functional adora-blilty to your decorative spaces in-world.
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Please see all buildings in world before purchasing!
My buildings are not made with intent to be modified other than resizing, please modify at your own risk!
the basics :
gable townhouse
mod & copy | 100% mesh
145 land impact
footprint : 8 x 13.75
2 floor + attic townhouses comes with all colors shown. living room, dining room & 3 rooms on the second level. also a spacious attic!
Please see all buildings in world before purchasing!
My buildings are not made with intent to be modified other than resizing, please modify at your own risk!
See item in Second Lifebonito mas...
land impact de cada um chega a 150 nao o conjunto .
I thought the whole row was 145 land impact...but EACH ONE is150 Land impact!!
These are indeed cute little townhomes but, because of the misleading photo- https://prnt.sc/15g1so2 , I thought they would rez in a row of 5, with all 5 creating the "145" land impact, or at about 29 LI each, which seemed reasonable for very small houses like these. Was really ticked-off to find, after purchasing, that EACH ONE is not 145, but actually 150 land impact. Here is screenshot demonstration of each one taking 150 from my land, starting with just the 5 rezz boxes and ending with all 5 rezzed:( https://prnt.sc/15fzv6p https://prnt.sc/15g088j https://prnt.sc/15g0euu https://prnt.sc/15g0mst https://prnt.sc/15g0wq8 https://prnt.sc/15g1ahn ) As you can see, the land prims went from 1952 (with just the rezboxes out), with each rez, to 1802>1652>1502>1352>1202. So, in total, these 5 little homes consume 750 prim. (150 each house.) Far from the "145" for all 5 that I thought. Creator you are amazing, I usually love all of your work that I've seen, but I am extremely disappointed in this, you should be more clear in your ad about the total land impact for the row of 5.