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eA Basic Exotic Car All Colors Mesh box

eA Basic Exotic Car All Colors Mesh box

Thank you for your interest in the Tiny Town eA Basic Exotic Car Mesh! Here you will find information about the car and answers to many frequently asked questions.
The car is built using mesh. This means you will need the latest sl viewer to properly enjoy your car. Sorry folks who don't like change, but the writing is pretty much on the wall - sl is going to be primarily mesh. Time to upgrade that viewer!

Pro Scripts
The cars are built with the most current and highly regarded racing scripts available in sl. They are very expensive! I do need to pass along some of the cost for my investment, and the price on the cars reflects this. What it means to you is an unbelievable amount of customization and control over your car. I race as a biggie in sl (some of you have probably seen my name on the time boards at 2Raw, Intense, Simbaz, Borderlands etc), and the car I win with uses these exact same scripts. Rest assured that you WILL be able to set your car up to be as fast as you can drive!

The car has functional lights - just like a real car. Headlights, Tail lights, Break, turn indicators and reverse lights. The front wheels turn. You may set the turbo boost on or off, and adjust the strength of the turbo. NOS is available for burst speed. Unlock your car for others to drive. You can set the shift style to shift + arrow (default) or page up / down via the menu. If you don't want to shift you can select automatic transmission instead. The car has an alarm to fend off those pesky griefers who have not learned how to behave yet! If for some reason your avi does not fit within the vehilce properly (especially if you have a mod avi and have changed it's size) you can adjust your position via the menu.

Mesh vehicles use a different method for expressing the prim equivalent called land impact.
Land Impact: 56

  • Mesh!
  • Fast!
  • Fun!