eDeLsToRe woman mesh hair " Nicole " BOX

*** Special Rigged Fitted Mesh Hair ***
eDelsToRe mesh woman hair " Nicole " incl all colors + HUD
This hair work with mesh or classic avatars !!
Try always DEMOS first!
DEMOS @ Mainstore / SIM Sea Magic or click "Get the demo version" on this page (right). Incl. hairbase.
Fitted Rigg Mesh Hair - means that they are made in newest technology.
No Rigg Mesh Hair - means you can edit position of hair and size
Mesh enabled viewers are required! If you have problems, please look at my profile (pics).
Hair are no Trans / Mode yes / Copy yes
DEMO and other colors + more than 1000 hair @ eDelsToRe hair mall
See item in Second LifeDo not waste your money
Do not waste your money unless you know for a fact it will fit you. I did not buy the demo, I went hair shopping & bought like 5 hairs from her and now none of them fit. I have blank spots in the back & no way to fix it. There is no touch its greyed out. I wear it. I have spent close to 1500 lindens and can not wear any of them. Taught me a huge lesson. I will only do demo's first. I am not the only one with this problem. If you look at other reviews on other hair you see people have the same problem I do and they are not receiving any customer response either. I don't know how a creator can stay in business like this. To me this is the same as stealing.
L$ 250
Unpacking Required
This item requires you to find a place in Second Life (like a Sandbox) to unpack and use it.
More info
- Copy
- Modify
- Transfer
- User Licensed