G Général

everain. Minji Shape (Lelutka Ceylon)

everain. Minji Shape (Lelutka Ceylon)

Shape for Lelutka Ceylon 3.1
Body shape for Legacy Perky
copy, modify

Eyebrow Shape
Eyes (bom mesh eyes)
3 Blushes, 1 Eyebag

I take ad pictures with a camera view angle of at least 740. Press ALT P on your keyboard, go to DoF/Glow tab, the first slider is the View angle.

As with most shape creators, I don't put demos because with the Firestorm viewer you can very easily extract your appearance to XML, which allows you to import it to your shape, meaning you can steal any shape you demo.

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full star full star full star full star full star Publié le 19/10/2023 de Just Shadow

I can make shapes and like to, but this one was a shot to (eh why not try what other people do) try, and, I love it all made amazingly good <3

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