G General

(g.) Wandering Duck teal/brown v.1.01

(g.) Wandering Duck teal/brown v.1.01

Old sculpted item

This set includes two different color and/or two type of ducks.

(1)Wandering Duck brown (wander/sit)

Ducks will wander, sit upon the nest and might lay an egg.

(2)Wandering Duck brown (wander/sensor)
and Wandering Duck teal (wander/sensor)

Ducks will only wander. You can set them via menu so that they can find you/anyone and get near you/anyone.

All can be set at a home position and wandering area.

Home Position:
When you rez the duck, she/he will tell you the home position. Ducks walk around their home position within the setting radius.
If you want "Wandering Duck white (wander/sit)" to sit on the nest sometimes, rez the nest, and move it to her home position. Or, move her to the nest and click to open the menu to set her home position.

Wandering Area:
You can set the radius of the wandering area via menu. Please remember that ducks cannot climb a steep hill nor jump fences.

duck 4 prims (no mod / copy / no transfer)
nest 2 prims (mod / copy / no transfer)

Please visit in-world shop. You can see demos.

See item in Second Life