The iTeleport™ HUD is easy to use, easy to set up, and very very functional in getting you where you want to be. It has so many tools for you to get there that you won't need any other movement tool at all. The HUD is designed to look clean and small, easy to access but out of your way. Under each menu is a dialog of choices for you to access, the teleporter effects are great, the price is unbeatable, and the scripts are top notch. Give this HUD a try and I assure you that you will not be disappointed.
Simple to Use:
HUD comes working out-of-the-box and getting started is as easy as clicking a button! We know you want to try out your new product right after getting it, not reading through endless documentation. Starting is easy, and advanced features are there to keep you going even after you get used to this tool.
Small HUD:
The menu collapses for when you don't need it, taking up very little of your valuable viewing area. It's just there when you need it, still workin' with chat commands even minimized. Best of all, it's out of your way when you don't need it. We understand having it out of the way is just as important as having it to begin with.
Complete Location Management:
Store locations with the click of a button, or as easily as dropping a landmark into the HUD! Don't you hate waiting for your inventory to find your landmarks? Ever get tired of sorting through them endlessly? Just drop a landmark in the HUD, click a button, and a complete list is at your fingertips! Organize them and be there without the pesky searching.
Teleport to People:
Typing a person's name is all it takes to rez a teleporter to them! You can even add your best buds to the *nicknames notecard and have those people on a menu to rez a teleporter to! Get to them if their in the same sim, no matter where they are!
Find your Friends:
Included on the HUD is a full sim scanner, find out who is where! And this isn't your grandma's sim scanner. This one is fast, accurate, and won't lag the sim or risk crashing it. You will get a list of everyone in just a few seconds usually, and it even says what area of the sim they are in (North, NE, East etc)
Cross-Sim Travel:
If the stored location or landmark isn't in the same sim, you get a map dialog right to there! If you don't want to make a landmark, just add a marker to memory. It's easy, it's fast, it's effective. You don't have to have a cluttered inventory, and you can transfer and store these locations via notecard.
Same-Sim Travel:
If above isn't the case, a teleporter is rezzed for not only your access, but anyone can use it to your destination! It not only looks spiffy, but it gets you there instantly. You can even rez a teleporter for your friend to use too.
Bring Them Here:
Not only can you teleport to someone else with the rezzed teleporter, but you can have one sent to them that leads back to you! The teleporter will rez, and no matter how far away the person is in the same sim, the teleporter will be there, letting him or her know you want to see 'em.
Teleport History:
No more typing or searching, click a button, your last 12 teleported locations come up as a menu! It even tells you the location of the teleport and won't just toss you back into the sim at the gate.
Lifetime Upgrades:
Typing 'update' is all it takes to see if an upgrade is available, and if one is it will be sent to you FREE and AUTOMATICALLY! You don't have to worry that this product will stop functioning, we are always striving to meet our customer's needs and we just keep on addin' features.
Never Loose Locations:
After upgrading, you can output a notecard from the version you were using, and just add it to the new one! Don't go around adding all the locations again. I know how much I personally hate loosing all my settings when I update something, and that isn't the case with this product.
Other Cool Tools:
You can warp to your camera without distance limit, even across sim borders! You can rez a high quality non-physics movement orb with a button too! Scan a sim so you can see exactly where everyone is, and it's so fast that you will have a list of everyone in the sim typically within 5 to 10 seconds.
Markers Button:
Click this button on your HUD, you will get a dialog with all the markers that you have saved positions for in the sim you are in. Once you select one of the markers through the dialog (or chat command) a teleporter will be rezzed that leads to that location!
Marker +
This button lets you store your current location as a marker in the HUD. You just click this button, and give the marker a name that you type. You can then access this location without a landmark or anything but the HUD.
Marker -
This button lets you remove any markers that you have in memo
- Cool effects, with practical use functionality
- Gain better mobility within sims, get where you want faster and easier
- Many commands - You can teleport to locations, spots, people etc...
- 100% Fox Labs Satisfaction Guarantee
- Fox Labs is available for support to customers daily, your satisfaction is #1
no sirve
Has the potential to be great, but it falls flat when it comes to reliability!! Works when it feels like it. Never been able to get the 'Scan Sim' function to work. Some features are cool, Cam Warp is great for example. But, as I said, the whole HUD only works when it feels like it. And each time you reset it, it says - iTeleport: Your version is not up to date, the latest version will be sent in a few seconds, but I never receive it. If these problems were ironed out it would be an amazing peice of kit!!
A very nice tool. I use it mainly to record favorite spots within a sim to tp too. for that purpose it works great! only thing that happens to me ,when i use the non phys vehicle, is that i end up rotated under a 90 degree angle.
Oh and i might mention the fact that the creator never seems to read the reviews since i never had any reaction to the rotation problem of the non physical vehicle.
Ok. Firstly let me say that as a teleport utility this thing is very sweet. BUT as a LM organizer its not so hot. Maybe I'm missing something, so I IM'd the creator... with no response. I don't see a way to separate or group LM's which is why I purchased it in the first place. As far as having all of the features one would want for teleporting to friends and easy creations of LM's its GREAT. But even using notecards to organize them wont work since it uses a single internal note. perhaps in a future release?
Absolutely awesome!!! Great product!!! Nothing more to say - I love it!!!
excellent!! its a very great work and helpful tool!!! i love it...