Hi there! This is not an official Utilizator item, so please talk to krankhaus if you have any questions, issues, concerns, etc.
This is a modkit inspired by the artwork from the band The Birthday Massacre. I've loved this band for many moons and have always wanted to pay homage to them in some small way! Their music is beautiful, so please if you can, take a listen!
I am in no way affiliated with The Birthday Massacre or any of the band mates, I'm just a fan. None of the textures or designs used in this product are taken from any artwork, it is all simply inspired by their covers and general image that they represent (bunnies, the color purple, etc).
Included in this mod are:
1) Set of rigged mesh legs which can be edited independently.
2) Unrigged ears which can be edited independently of eachother.
3) Unrigged tail.
4) Kemono skin appliers (M & F) for each color combo.
There are 5 color combos in all, including a tintable version:
1) White/Black
2) Blue/White
3) Black/Orange (Halloween flavored!)
4) Green/Black
5) Purple/Black
I've also included my AO/UV maps, which you can edit to whatever extent you wish.
The hair is NOT included nor made by me. You can grab it here:
I hope you like this set!
Good Job
cool and dark x3
Perfect mod
Faced a couple of bugs but quickly fixed it, the mod is great! the colors are just perfect!
Absolute Love!
I really REALLY love this mod. Birthday Massacre is one of my all time favorite bands, and this mod perfectly captures that feel. I've already gotten several compliments on it, and have been directing them right to this page. Awesome work!
This is the best thing in Second Life I've ever seen in the Marketplace.
TBM holds a great deal of meaning to my life and part of growing into the woman I strive to be-- Especially after meeting them ^.^
Thanks for this,
it's fucking badass-- I hope they get a chance to check it out
One small issue
I LOVEE this mod, its my favorite yet, but i have one problem. The leg fur doesn't completely cover up the skin on the legs, but other than that, I've been getting rained in compliments since day one of wearing this.
Its amazing.no words..
Omfg,its beautiful!,thanks krankhaus for doing that mod and sending the hair! <3