G General

(mc) Cluttered Desk Trash Bin

(mc) Cluttered Desk Trash Bin

Ever feel like everything on SL is too sanitized? Empty trash cans, clean piles of books, houses that don't feel lived in. Add a little life to your room with this cluttered desk bin, complete with a random boring paper form, a can of Moldco(R) Cola, and an orange peel.

Each object (Bag over-hang, paper, can and peel) has their own face so that they can be modified, tinted, or even alphaed out competely. The trash cans are also mod so that you can link objects to it if you wish.

Full perm AO (tintable) and UV textures are included so that you can texture your own trash bin and change the logo on the soda, etc.

1LI and 1 1024 texture. No materials. No scripts. Easy on your computer and everyone's computer around you! LOD optimized to look good at all detail levels.

(Are you a creator? Full perm available for purchase upon request. Pricing, license terms, and availability subject to change.)