Some of script was no copy, fix.
light model in (27Li not carry option)
some bug fix
Hello. Is a small helicopter. 6-seater cabin equipment and pesticide application equipment is also included. And therefore Land impact is up 37Li.
How to use--- start ---
sit on
Engine Start /1start or use HUD power button (/1 is default channel)
--- drive control keys ---
Takeoff and Up ...... keep hold PageUp key
caution! (Have to begin to float, keep pressing.)
Down .............. hold PageDown key
forward,back&turn ......... each arrow key
sideslip ......... shift + arrow key
caution! (Once you have landed, if you do not 1m rise, it will not operate except PageUpKey.)
--- fire fighting gimmick ---
set equipment ......... menu or HUD equip button
Dispersal......... HUD Red button (chat /1b)
View Video »- Stability
- Motion performance
- Cockpit Drive (Mouse look)
- 2 types Attachment
Great toy helicopter
Simples to use, fun to fly, nothing sophisticated but does the job well for 0 Lindens. Textures are modifiable, easy to recolor.
I LOVE THIS HELI! But Please remove the TEMP REZ
This is one of the easiest and funnest helicopters to fly, and the price is perfect! :)
From the menu, you can select "Temp OFF" which seems to work a while, but often after flying around, and getting out of the aircraft, the thing literally just disappears. (NOT binto lost and found, but de-rezzes)
Otherwise, I love this helicopter and it's cool features! It really looks and works great!
Most FKn Awesome Chopper so far
True Easy to fly, FUN FUN FUN a lots lol many hours flying this , very nice sounds, particle effects and a very simple but functional hud.
my dream counter-rotative heli, become real in SL (^__^)
Many Thanks mr michie!
So cool, well done and free!
Easy and fun to fly, very nice sounds, good particle effects and a simple but functional HUD(that enables a useful cruise mode). I just wish the textures were included, so I could create a custom paint scheme on mine. Anyway, this is another GREAT gift by Michie. Many thanks for this!
Its awesome fun, detailed, really cool and i can not believe this is free as the other nice things from Michie! Im amazed this is 0LS!!! I almost feel bad not paying anything, when everyone in SL only wants to earn no matter what they sell. So an amazingly fun KA26 chopper and a really human hearted builder who offers this and the other great helicopter (mmkmax) for 0LS!
Thank you so much!!