How to use--- start ---
sit on
Engine Start .....chat /1start or use HUD power button (/1 is default channel)
--- drive control keys ---
Takeoff and Up ...... keep hold PageUp key
caution! (Have to begin to float, keep pressing.)
Down .............. hold PageDown key
forward,back&turn ......... each arrow key
sideslip ......... shift + arrow key
- Stability
- Motion performance
- Cockpit Drive (Mouse look)
- 4 color texture + Custom texture
- move temporary object /engin stop to normal object.
so cool
love this helicopter very nice
very good!
With the 2 camera modes and the steering I can finally land on the point :)
Needs Work
As another user has mentioned in their review, the camera points in totally the wrong direction, and that direction never seems to be the same from flight to flight. You can only really use it in mouse view, so you have some control over where you look.
The other major drawback is, if you land on water, turn the engine off, and stand up, you fall straight through the bottom of the craft, sinking to the murky depths. It seems to become phantom when you get in, but takes a few minutes to return to non-phantom afterwards.
Luckily, it flights pretty well (apart from the usual "jump" at region crossings, so for free, it's worth having a bit of fun with, just don't expect to look dignified getting out of it.
It does carry 4 people (including pilot), so let your passengers know to use mouse look, and be cautious on water landings lol
"Dynamic Camera" needs a lot of work :(
The camera is FUBAR'd - it refuses to settle and, when it does, is invariably pointing in some blocked, stupid direction. The script menu includes no camera adjustment option, so this vehicle remains for me unusable. Nice effort but needs a LOT of work still.