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nanmo fishing boat1.1 Version 1.1

nanmo fishing boat1.1

Simple fishing boat.

  • vehicle
  • boat
  • free
  • gift
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A wonderful Mesh boat that everyone should have...
full star full star full star full star full star Posted July 20, 2014 by xRhea

a perfect example of why mesh/materials are superior..this colorful little boat seats 6 and a driver in comfort and style, with simple to steer arrowkey drive and speed control( having 4 gear settings which provides enough oomph without hurling you into objects. instructions are in Japanese however undaunted i tried google translate which helped much in clarifying some things...as follows
nanmo fishing boat manual

It is an ordinary fishing boat.
Owner is rez on the surface of the water, and ready for operation the engine starts when boarding the display of "sail on". Please note that because you do not work in places other than the surface of the water.
Seats except the driver's seat is nine. Chair mark if you can roll the things he's on top of the cushion the mouse, anyone Norikome at any time. However, scatterbrain when trying to sit down in a location other than the cushion, or driven out by the script, you may be subject to punishment a little embarrassed.
Anime seat 14 persons, so offers to match passenger crew, but please Shut off AO before you sit down.

• Basic Operation

I go to the front, back, left and right arrow keys.
Speed ​​increases in Pageup, I will be down in pagedown.
Speed ​​is 4 stage, but back is possible with the direction keys at any speed.

Options Operation

It is optional operation for the state in which the board.
1. Horn will sound when you click on the engine.
2. If you click on the float that is mounted on the ship, you get its float. You can swim and float on top of the water and attached.
3. I get the big catch flag along with the float If you click on the float of the bow. Economy may be helpful swung to people who had sat in the certain position.

So it ♪ a good voyage ( and yes domo arigato creator for this wonderful fun boat, which has float rings you can use to float in sl water !) the rest of the boats secrets i let you discover on your own.

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