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[satus Inc] Ping Pong Table

[satus Inc] Ping Pong Table
[satus Inc] Ping Pong Table
0 Reviews

[satus Inc] Ping Pong Table - realistic ping pong table with paddles & ball for decoration purpose - 100% Material Enabled - Resizer Built-in with Menu Security Built-in - Texture Changer: Blue & Green ping pong table - 2 Paddles colors: Red & Blue - Ping pong ball included.

IMPORTANT NOTE: to see the material settings, shininess, and reflection, you will need to have Advanced Lightning Model & Shadows Settings enabled in your viewer. It can be done in Preferences -> Graphics. Check in the box [x] Advanced Lightning Model and Select Shadows Options as Sun/Moon + Projectors. Then Apply settings.

[▪ ▫ FEATURES ▫ ▪]
1. 100% Mesh - Material Enabled
2. Resizer Built-in with Menu Security
3. Texture Changer: Blue & Green ping pong table
4. 2 Paddles colors: Red & Blue - Ping pong ball included.

1. [satus Inc] Ping Pong Table ~ 8 LI/Prims
2. [satus Inc] Ping Pong Ball - 1 LI/Prim
3. [satus Inc] Ping Pong Paddle Red - 1 LI/Prim
4. [satus Inc] Ping Pong Paddle Blue - 1 LI/Prim
5. Landmarks

No Modify - Copy - No Transfer

[▪ ▫ HOW TO USE? ▫ ▪]
* How to use the ping pong table?
rez ping pong table, paddles, and ball on the floor then move them as you like.

*How to resize ping pong table, paddles, and ball?
You can do so by clicking on the ping pong table / paddles to open resize menu. Then, simply choose a percentage to increase or decrease the size. Restore option is for restoring the ping pong table / paddles to its original size. You can also delete the resize script if you need to do it. Please make sure you backup the ping pong table / paddles before deleting script.

For the ping pong ball, you can modify it in a traditional way.

*How to set the menu security?
Click on the ping pong table/ paddles to open menu. Then select SECURITY to switch between Owner Only Mode and Anyone Mode. See the confirmation message in the nearby chat.


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[satus Inc]

See item in Second Life
  • 100% Mesh - Material Enabled
  • Resizer Built-in with Menu Security
  • Texture Changer: Blue & Green ping pong table
  • 2 Paddles colors: Red & Blue - Ping pong ball included.

L$ 199

Adding to cart as gift


[satus Inc]
[satus Inc]
Sold by: Satus Voxel

Land Required

This item requires that you have access to land in Second Life in order to use it.

empty star empty star empty star empty star empty star
0 Reviews
  • Copy
  • Modify
  • Transfer
  • User Licensed
Automatic redelivery
Mesh: 100% Mesh
Land Impact: 8