inworld in the mainstore for 75 linden!!!
you want to be unique and need a dancing woman shadow?
please watch the video, you will find other shadows too:
this is a moving shadow to wear behind you. just attach it simple to your avatar.
you can wear it with classic or mesh avatar body. i sell a man and heart shadows too ;)
you can mody the size. have fun :)
if you have any questions or want a custum shadow please take a look at the mainstore for examples what i allready did and send me notecard ♥
thank you for shopping lindalindalein mayo moving shadow ♥♥
View Video »daumen Hoch
Wow coole Idee Lindalein ich will nochmehr davon gg mach weiter so daumen Hoch !!!
AWesome Idea! Great Moves
Excellent idea and is so fun to wear!