[spn] Steampunk Dragon Mount Full-Sized Edition Version 4.4
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✔ Fully Animated Running, Flying Articulated Mount!
✔ Speed Presets, Visual/Audio Toggles
✔ Worn! NO prims needed to rez, so ride/fly it ANYWHERE!
✔ Breath Fire, Ice & Smoke (with option to catch things on fire!), Rise. Dive, Boost, Dust, Darkness, Surge, Run/Gallop, Scuff, Kick, Whoa, Roar, Growl, "dragon droppings..." and more! ☺
✔ Exquisitely detailed all-mesh (a single-linked attachment) created for use with Full Sized (normal) Avatars.
✔ Small details like animated Mouth, tail, steam, moving gears
✔ Highly optimized Low-Lag scripting with sleep capability.
✔ Easy-to-use automation, just wear and go!
✔ Menu Driven, customizable eye colours
✔ High-Detail Textures, SPN Quality!
✔ Free Life-time update
- See description