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st No Fly Zapper - Rev 4a Tran -permmis

st No Fly Zapper - Rev 4a  Tran -permmis
st No Fly Zapper - Rev 4a  Tran -permmis
6 Reviews

NOTE Please: FREE 2nd no copy ZAPPER after good review [I make sure you are happy first of course!!]
DO NOT POST BAD REVIEWS, until you have contacted me first. Any and all issues have been corrected so far. Allow for at least 48 hours for a reply.
BUT 1st come in and check it out
NOTE: Land based parameter eject systems for flying will NOT send these flyers home. Yes they will send to corners. Any system will not prevent a flyer or anybody you eject from coming back to a banned area, even if sent home, then hanging on your edge. Surrounding even full parcels is Second Life properties. No man's land kinda. All the systems I tried.never had the option of sending someone home that actually did that. Even security orbs. If they could the flyer can still come back and just hang.


After trying out the limited number of no fly zone type products on the SL store I found all do not work as advertised. In fact most do not work at all.
They are also very pricey. So after checking with various script groups on SL, I learned of the base security script being used out there by suppliers and its' many flaws.
I was then able to find a very good script writter, Uɴder Aveɴɢer, who helped me out.
It basically works like any other security ORB, except it monitors the flying function.
WELL you say, I can always just NOT Allow Flying in my settings right?

Well two problems with that;

FIRST you have to set an entire area or SIM as no fly
SECOND there are programs out there that will still allow flyers. Also if a nearby SIM or section of your SIM allows flying, the Avatar shall not loose that flying function until they land in a specific NO fly SIM or area.

***Check with your SIM Realtor first. if you are allowed to use these kinds of products/scripts on the SIM or area you rent.

NOTE 1 - This product of the WestGallery is provided with a limited L$ back guarantee to perform initially. As it is a No copy, No mod, but with Transfer permission, you may after the following details are followed exactly, return this product for partial [less 20% handling SL store fee] refund only.
As it is no copy you shall no longer have the product of course;

a- contact IM WestCat first [I will contact the script developer if there is an issue]. WestCat will review and fix the problem.
b- allow time to contact script developer by ME only.
c- Initial concern must be sent via IM "WestCat" within 5 [five] calendar days.
d- leave a nice review please :)

NOTE 2 - There are no updates or probable upgrades declared for this product. We will try to make new improved versions as time and tech permit, but NO promises are made. For example if SL or someone else develops a viewer that prevents the operation of our software to stop pesky flyers, or someone makes a new fly zoomer program for Avatars, we will try to make and sell a new version, but there is no guarantee of continued performance. This is just being honest with you the consumer. Other Sellers may not be as open and honest. You must own/rent the SIM and have full control over it. Check with your SIM Realtor first.

NOTE 3 - Script was made based in part on a full perm script frame work purchased by the owner "WestCat" that was found by the
owner to be missing critical parts for the script to work properly. You can likely still find this full perm item for over 400L by searching
""No Flying Allowed"" in the SL marketplace.

With regards to the full Script itself, it was made by;

Uɴder Aveɴɢer

His note card is in the FZ prim itself with full contact details. He is also featured at the WestGallery SL Mall with full SL contact details. Where you can also try and fly. Simply walk over to the Vampire Isle [hard to miss, down the stairs and over the bridge Adult area] start your flying there, then try to fly back to the WestGallery ...good Luck with that :)
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SPECIAL FEATURES OF THIS SCRIPT:
Besides actually working 100%, being very affordable and having a full range adjustment, you get a partial money back/return guarantee if it does not work. But we know it should.

also clear step by step instructions are provided
ALSO This stops AVATARS from flying, nothing else should be affected, and you can fly around in a plane craft etc etc go sky surfing diving all are still OK to do.

See item in Second Life
  • adjustable range, 10 to 200m TWO per Box now :)
  • adjustable warning times, add group individual exemption from system
  • custom message, select evict, ban, permanent. Does NOT send home
  • strobe light for easy finding
  • partial refund if it does not work! FREE 2nd no copy ZAPPER after good review [
Average rating: full star full star full star full star full star
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Great product
full star full star full star full star full star Posted July 26, 2021 by Calgron609

the Zapper was easy to set up and works perfect to keep people from cheating on games

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full star full star full star full star full star Posted October 12, 2020 by Subsonic Oh

Well, ban for me still doesn't fully work, but warning and ejecting works perfectly! Also a very nice and helpful creator!

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L$ 360

Adding to cart as gift


West Gallery
West Gallery
Sold by: WESTCAT

Land Required

This item requires that you have access to land in Second Life in order to use it.

  • Copy
  • Modify
  • Transfer
  • User Licensed
Automatic redelivery
Mesh: Partial Mesh
Land Impact: 1