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t-60 xwing fighter

t-60 xwing fighter
t-60 xwing fighter
0 Reviews

the T-60 x-wing fighter
the t-60 is long rang tool of any lone wolf worrier with its high speed and maneuverability will put the law in your dust and it has a bite to it too the 4 high powered blasters will hit you before you can blink 4 powrful engines and ftl drive

specifications :

singeal seat
phizical flight
42 prime materials enabled fully customize
11 / 10 /3

chat commands:
start /stop - engine on/off
gup/gdown - rais and lower gear
touch canopy to open close
touch wings tp toggle spreed wings

wasd/arrows directional steering
pgup/pgdn - altitude control
shift+arrow banking
1 regular flight mode 3 mouselook flight modes
ftl drive alt + number of the hight you want
easy sim crossing

weapons front blasters
pilot stick activates the weapons systems
go in to mouse look and fire by left click - control can be taken by the pilot or anyone in the cockpit and will remain till let go ( even if you go out of the shuttle - ambush mode)

any help or support you need contact me


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L$ 600

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Sold by: shelldonlee

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Mesh: 100% Mesh
Land Impact: 42