Animation for Bento Tail !!!
This is 30 animation for classic - Wonder Furr, Fire Fox, Werewolf Bento tail for classic tail length Jomo Fox v2.0 (bento).
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PS: you can use these animations with tails
- Bento Tail - Demon Tail
- Bento Tail - Werewolf and Bars
- Bento Tail - Wonder Furr
- Fire Fox - Bento Tail
PS2: also pay attention to
- Bento Tail - Balls
- Garland for Bento tail and body
- Bento Tail - Applier For Tail
- Bento Tail - Deformers
Spasming and awkward
If it's not a sexual animation, it's spasming and unusable. Even the sexual animations leave more to be desired. It's plain not how tails work.
Tails are not placed in the crotch or anus
Nor in any fantasy land, are they coming out of the side of your torso. Default position without the crazy animations, is right below the anus.. Tails go on the tailbone, nowhere else. Was hoping to add a bit more animations to my tail AO hud but none of this is usable. At all. Cute but nothing worth keeping.
At least that L$1 goes to linden lab?
L$ 1
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