G General

. tiptoes - Super Safety Swim Set - Demo

. tiptoes - Super Safety Swim Set - Demo

Unrigged items are pre-sized for toddlers, but the full version is copy/mod to resize for most avatars! Demo versions include resize script for trying on, but full version only includes resize script in goggles.

* Life vest rigged for LullaBeebs, fitted Toddleedoo (baby/kid 4.0+), Tweeneedoo, Bebe Toddler, and Bebe Youth

* Swim goggles

* Arm floaty to try on left arm

* Innertube accessory with arm-out pose

To unbox your purchase, wear the object you receive and it unpacks on its own into a folder of your inventory! Not working? You can still rez it out on the ground and right click > Open :)

See item in Second Life