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Animated Elf - Ice Skating

Animated Elf - Ice Skating

Animated Christmas elf boy learning to ice skate for the first time, skates around the ice in his elfy shoes.

Mesh. 4 land impact. He skates around in a circle rotation that will need 7.5 meters of land. Touch (left click) to start/stop the animation and rotation.

  • Christmas Elf for your Santa Village
  • X-mas decoration
  • Santa's helper on ice
  • animated elves
  • North Pole skater
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Very nice job
full star full star full star full star full star Postado(s) 14/12/2013 por Sunset Faulkes

The elves you made are a lovely decoration for Christmas. This one skates around gracefully, nothing to set : just rez and there he goes. Really cute:)

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