Azn's Spin Rotate Texture Script FULL PERMS
Rotate texture script.
Rotate a texture.
Drop this script into the prim you want to spin / rotate a texture on.
Adjust settings as needed and hit "Save".
For a simple texture rotation, delete this script after running.
For more advanced scripts, you may wish to turn the rotation on and off or change speeds.
To do more than one side, unless it is ALL_SIDES, you can put the face number directly in the function, and use one function per face.
You can select one face number or use the constant "ALL_SIDES".
integer side = ALL_SIDES;
(I was asked if you can select more than one side to do the animation.
According to the wiki: "You can only have one texture animation on a prim", so you can either do one side, or all sides, but not like side 0 and side 1. If you need something like that, you will need to use two or more prims.)
A positive number rotates counter clockwise. A negative number rotates clockwise.
float speed = -2.0;
Feel free to use this script in your builds. Please do not sell it as a script.
- Set face and speed in the script.
- Full Perms rotate texture script
- Rotates / Spins a Texture in the link you put it in.
- No script needed after setting the spin. You can delete it.
- Make and sell your items!
Exactly what I needed
If looking for a script that makes a texture flow in a circle like a merry-go-round then this is what you need. I needed it to make a slow flowing fountain and it worked wonders.
The speed can be a bit confusing because the lack of wording. It's located where you choose clockwise or counter clockwise. You just mess with those numbers. A lower number is slower. so 0.05 if you need a slow flow instead of the 5.00 it comes as!
Excellent product
Easy to set up with some basic editing knowledge.
Useful for spinning item textures that are meant to move clock-, and counter clockwise.
I'm very happy about the product and assistance i received :)
L$ 99
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