****Please read the description very carefully before buying the product.
¡This package is only compatible with PBR viewers!
NEW ---- UPDATE - 2024
This content is compatible with the latest PBR versions of Firestorm, Black Dragon and Alchemy
This is the 4th release, After the incredible acceptance that had and still has ... the Colony stars, I have decided to make this new release with a mixture of stars and nebulas. With much more variation, this release is designed for the incredible SL photographers, the highlights and shadows are dedicated to interior decorations and landscaping.
------NEW 2024:------
Adaptation to PBR viewers:
Black Dragon
Firestorm (SOON)
- Video Preview: https://youtu.be/Cii7t6kwm1U
Thank you so much for the support ♥ Jay
Any questions:
♣We have activated an email only for support.
Email: battlescarswindlights@gmail.com
Thank you so much for the support, Jay
***Info 2024
- ID Second Life: JayNathan
- Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/BattleScarsWindlights
- New// PrimFeed: https://www.primfeed.com/jaynathanresident
- Flickr: https://www.flickr.com/photos/jaynathanbattlescars
- Flickr Group: https://www.flickr.com/groups/battlescarswindlights/
- Web: https://www.battlescarswindlights.com
Love this!
So excited about the EEP update!
I purchased the older iteration of this package and fell in absolute love with some of the settings for photography. I'd searched and searched for EEP settings that were as good and found myself "settling" for not quite right. Then I saw that the pack had been updated with EEP versions--huzzah! Perfect mystical purple starscape!
I love these Windlights in particular
Will the River Stars receive a EEP update ?
Totally Awesome
Please, please make some day ones. These windlights just make the whole SL experience all the more better. They really do make a difference in how everything looks. I just love them and have pretty well purchased all of these. And it was very easy to set up. The instructions are perfect! Well worth the lindens to purchase these.
Awesome! <3
I'm totally in love with those windlights plus stars and even clouds from other pack.
They work on both Firestorm and Dragon!
Perfect for photo addicts:D
Just follow instructions and you will install everything plus nope you don't have to pay for a new version of a WinRAR,430L$ is all you pay for all pack working.If you don't want WinRAR for some reason,just google another one:"rar file opener (your system) free".There are plenty of RAR unpacking programs and yes they will unpack it as well with correct password.
Excellent WL. =D Very lovely with the provided windlights. I look forward to tinkering with my own hues to create some more. Would definitely recommend this to those who want a very pretty dusk or night sky!
Very much looking forward to any day cycles he may make. =)