Blackburns Victorian Lace & Zip Wedge Heels

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Black Leather Victorian Wedge Heels ~ Sculpted

Laced up the front, and a zipper on heel.
Stitching around outer sole with cushioned ankles.
Realistic details, black leather textures, logo on zipper pull.

Ready to Wear : Sized and Fitted

Copiable, so can add to many outfits

Modify, Customize in normal edit

Resize Linkset with Delete

Alpha Foot Layer, makes feet invisible

Comes in Copiable Bag with Note

Photos included, to see before you wear



  • Realistic Sculpted Shoes
  • Leather Texures
  • Alpha Foot Layer
  • Copy & Modify
  • Resize with Delete

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Great item!
full star full star full star full star full star Postado(s) 21/05/2012 por Aya Nova

Again, another great pair of boots, the color is not really black, but kinda grey-black, but other than that, very easy to fit, looks great!!

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Vlad Blackburn
Vlad Blackburn
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  • full star full star full star full star half star 9 Resenhas

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