U Got That Dancer
❤ Reviews are appreciated ❤
I like you cause you got that something
that I need in my life so give it to me
Cause you got that
I like you cause you got that something
that I need in my life so give it to me
Cause you got that
I like you cause you got that something
that I need in my life so give it to me
[] Loop song with 4 dances played to the beat
[] Commands: /1 goton /1 gotoff /1 dance (to stop the animations) /1 mute
[] Special thanks to Kurisu (vict632 neiro) for the scripts
Visualizar vídeo »- Loop Song
- 4 Dances
I like
the only dancer/song of this on the market so i had to try it out
Its fine it does what you expect and a little bit more
100 L$, serious?
A very short sound and animation don't go with the rhythm.
I would like to request a refund, but I think it will be unsuccessful.
L$ 100
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