Child skin and shape Boy kid Sebastian Deluxe Body Factory DEMO
Please note, this is a demo product. The shape has huge hands and feet, which is not the case for the full version.
In the full pack you get all of the following items:
- Skin designed for young boys (copy)
- Child shape (modifiable, copy). Foot size 0, hand size 10.
- Eyebrow shaper (modifiable, copy)
Tattoo layers (copy):
- Eyebrows, 6 options
- Freckles for face and/or chest
- Band aid for nose
- Skinned knee
- Skinned knee with one band aid
- Skinned knee with two band aid (crossed)
- Windlight settings used for the advert photo
- Styling card
You are encouraged to try a demo for best experience of this skin and shape combo for boys, see the link to your right or visit Deluxe Body Factory's main store in-world Second Life.
Remember to check out the related items below for more products from Deluxe Body Factory and please don't hesitate to contact me if you have questions :)
- Modifiable shape
- Freckles, brows, skinned knee, band-aid on tattoo layer
- Modifiable eyebrow shaper
- PG skin for young boys, children, kids and teenagers
- Fat-pack with huge discount, free demo available
why just the head? the body remains untouched, and why must you make the hands and feen humongous, don't you know it reflects poorly on the overall appearance? all this did was to apply to the system head and nothing else
L$ 1
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